Learn Guitar Up To 50X Faster With AI

Forget "Finding" Lessons. Now The Perfect Lessons Come To YOU! 

Music Mentor knows the world’s music information, answers your questions 24/7, and delivers the exact, customized steps for YOU to learn guitar 
in the fastest way possible...
Music Mentor knows the world’s music information, answers your questions 24/7, and delivers the exact, customized steps for YOU to learn guitar in the fastest way possible...

See How It Works 

Learn To Play Guitar 20-50X Faster!

Traditional music education (which is still taught today) was invented THOUSANDS of years ago, before computers existed. It historically involves complicated notation, and can take years or decades to become proficient (if ever)!  

But now, with your personal AI Music Mentor, you can easily learn music in your natural learning style, with customized steps that quickly transform you into the musician you always wanted to be.

Learn To Play Guitar
20-50X Faster!

Traditional music education (which is still taught today) was invented THOUSANDS of years ago, before computers existed. It historically involves complicated notation, and can take years or decades to become proficient (if ever)!  

But now, with your personal AI Music Mentor, you can easily learn music in your natural learning style, with customized steps that quickly transform you into the musician you always wanted to be.

The Perfect Practice Partner!

  • A lifelong learning companion who's always available, and always knows what to do next!
  • ​Knows all the world's musical information, and delivers the perfect steps at the perfect time!
  • Your own unique, step-by-step roadmap which guides you to achieve your musical goals faster than you ever imagined!
  • ​Gives you the exact answers you need, exactly when you need them!

Tailored To Your Learning Style!

Just like a real teacher, your AI Music Mentor gets to know you, your preferences, and your learning style. The more it knows about you and your playing, and the more you learn together, the better it gets, and the faster you get better.

Tailored To Your Learning Style!

Just like a real teacher, your AI Music Mentor gets to know you, your preferences, and your learning style. The more it knows about you and your playing, and the more you learn together, the better it gets, and the faster you get better.

Does What Human Teachers Can't!

  • Never forgets anything about you!
  • Knows what you’ve worked on and where you want to go, so it never wastes time, and you’re always on track!
  • Gives you exactly the right steps at the right time (No more searching for what to learn, or wondering if you’re learning the right thing)!
  • ​Stores everything you ever worked on so you can review at any time!
  • ​Tracks your progress across all musical skills - forever!
  • ​Helps you make faster, more efficient progress, and have more FUN than ever before!

Does What Human Teachers Can't!

  • Never forgets anything about you!
  • Knows what you’ve worked on and where you want to go, so it never wastes time, and you’re always on track!
  • Gives you exactly the right steps at the right time (No more searching for what to learn, or wondering if you’re learning the right thing)!
  • ​Stores everything you ever worked on so you can review at any time!
  • ​Tracks your progress across all musical skills - forever!
  • ​Helps you make faster, more efficient progress, and have more FUN than ever before!
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